Demo videos

See for yourself how we support your entire Automation workflow. Turbotic is the world's first tool purpose built for Automation teams.

Videos per module

Turbotic full demo 1.2

Our Product Owner Maria will take you through the full automation journey in the Turbotic platform. From identifying and evaluating ideas and managing your discovery pipeline, to monitoring and tracking value of deployed solutions.

Idea module demo

The Turbotic module “ Idea” aims to democratize the incoming flow of automation opportunities.

Discovery module demo

The Discovery module visualizes all your automation projects and allows you to start new ones. It gives you a standardized way of working and a single source of data instead of using multiple spreadsheets, power points, and emails.

Build module demo

The Build module's main goal is to best guide you through how to deploy and build your solutions. The module gives you a clear and comprehensive overview of your deployment projects and their progress.

Value module demo

The value module is the final stop on the automation journey and the place where we tie up the loose ends. The aim of this module is to visualize your preferred KPIs calculated live from your deployed and connected solutions.