Turbotic is mentioned as one of the Top 10 Business Automation Solutions companies by CIOReview

CIO Review

January 10, 2022

Turbotic: Making Self-Driving-Companies a Reality

Today, businesses are making a significant investment in automation to facilitate everyday operations and reduce operational costs in the long run. For example, RPA and AI models are helping businesses by making better cashflow prediction and ensuring inventory optimization; and, chatbots are automating mundane contact center operations. However, the complete automation of workflow is a task easier said than done. Organizations need to utilize different systems from multiple vendors and rightly manage those. However, in most cases, they lack a centralized system to merge all these technologies together and track as well as optimize the value of an investment.

This is where Turbotic steps in. Founded by the passionate entrepreneur, Theodore Bergqvist, Turbotic is driven by the mission to create self-driving companies. “A few years ago, nobody was concerned about self-driving cars as there was no system to make GPS, sensor, and cameras work together. There was no way to orchestrate all the data coming into the car but today they have one. That is exactly what Turbotic is doing for businesses,” says Bergqvist, CEO at Turbotic.

At its core, Turbotic offers TurboticOS that helps clients plan, implement, and measure all their RPA and AI initiatives in real-time, enabling the easy tracking of vendor license utilization and onboarding of new solutions and models. With built-in AI support and full integrations to leading tech vendors such as UiPath, BluePrism, Automation Anywhere, and Microsoft, it provides a powerful orchestration layer to manage different technologies.

“What makes our solution unique is its ability to integrate with all tech vendors and manage various technologies necessary for hyperautomation"

“What makes our solution unique is its ability to integrate with all tech vendors and manage various technologies necessary for hyperautomation,” mentions Bergqvist. He further notes that there are engineers available to develop RPA, AI, and lowcode technologies, but they don’t have a platform or a management layer on top of these technologies for aggregation. To elucidate, most companies are well aware of their organizational structure while running a center of excellence but lack the end-to-end visibility of all projects and the performance of the robots. Again, this is due to the lack of a common system that can help obtain insights on the progress of different capabilities and competencies.

TurboticOS offers that visibility by helping organizations drive their automation and AI transformation and avoid common pitfalls at the same time. The platform enables clients to explore the possibilities and analyze the best-suited automation or RPA solutions for their business processes. It recommends businesses to automate certain processes in their organization along with proposed technologies for better operational ability. TurboticOS allocates development tasks and approval steps appropriately and ensures internal compliance. As a result of its bestin-class methodology, companies can work smarter and faster with their automation projects while shortening project lead times. It also measures business impact and ROI by tracking KPIs and allowing clients to view all their automation and AI investments and technologies in a single interface.

To put things into perspective, Turbotic worked in a collaboration with one of the largest telecom companies in the U.S. The client had undergone all the different phases to drive automation, including discovery,building, deploying, operating, and value tracking of robots. This led to the use of several documents, Excel files, PowerPoint presentations, CRM connections, and SharePoint. Turbotic came in and helped the client monitor all the necessary aspects in one single location. It orchestrated the ERP systems, data systems, and automation technologies with its best practices to help the telco better understand the impact of technology on its business.

Backed by the prowess of many such instances of client success, Turbotic is currently striving to enhance the AI capabilities of the platform. “We started just a year back and have already released the commercial version of the product that clients are accepting happily. This is the result of our team’s dedication and passion,”Bergqvist concludes.

Link to article here: https://business-automation.ciorevieweurope.com/vendor/turbotic-making-selfdriving-companies-a-reality