New Release: Turbotic's End-to-End Automation Management Solution Just Got Stronger with Houston 2.0

We are excited to announce Houston 2.0 - our brand-new release that is a leap forward in our mission to bring end-to-end automation management and orchestration at scale to organizations everywhere. This new release is built to support large-scale deployments, making it more accessible than ever before.

With new features that enable dynamic scheduling, SLA-based triggering, self-recovery of processes and much more, this launch takes our pioneer, multi-vendor automation optimization solution, to a whole new level.

The advanced control module is an excellent solution for:   
• Creating efficiency in operations and optimizing scheduling    
• Decreasing cost and complexity in operations     
• Eliminate bottlenecks and aim to increase your automation programs' ROI

Automated and Dynamic Scheduling

Automation initiatives can help to speed up processes and make them more efficient, but as you scale up and add more solutions, such as RPA processes, to your automation platform, the complexity of the system can increase.

Scheduling processes can turn complex, especially when you have high and low criticality items, different volumes, and different frequencies. Combining periodic finance processes with daily operational processes can be even more complicated as your automation portfolio grows.

Along with managing the complexities, automation teams are also pulled in different directions by competing demands. For example, they might be asked to ensure high license utilization while also optimizing the schedule and meeting business stakeholder satisfaction.

This requires consistent manual efforts to find a balance between optimized scheduling and meeting business stakeholder satisfaction.

Dynamic and SLA-based scheduling solves these problems and creates efficiency in your operations, customer trust and satisfaction, and higher utilization of resources by increased capacity.

Let’s see how Turbotic tackles and solves each of the problems:

Scheduling process is complex and time-consuming
Scaling automation often demands a lot of time and resources, which in turn affects the ROI. The Turbotic scheduler is the perfect way to optimize your company's scheduling while also ensuring that business stakeholders are happy with the results. In Turbotic, you can add your business stakeholder requirements (SLAs) and the technical conditions (For example, what bot/resource process can run on), and the platform will automatically trigger the process accordingly. At the same time, Turbotic will take all other process conditions into consideration and optimize the entire schedule and triggers for you.

Low utilization of license and resources
The lack of dynamic scheduling ability among RPA vendors' platforms makes it difficult to execute processes optimally and results in increased maintenance costs. The Turbotic platform can optimize the process execution, robot and resource utilization, and license utilization. Turbotic can help lower your maintenance costs by scheduling your automation solutions and dynamically triggering them as needed.

No guarantee if that process can be executed on SLA
While processes are typically scheduled to meet the expectations of business stakeholders, there is no guarantee that they will be executed successfully on time. To tackle this issue, Turbotic takes care of making sure that processes are executed as per the SLAs and notify Turbotic users and business stakeholders if SLAs are not met. Below, you can find more information about the notification functionalities.

Self-Recovery of Processes

The monitoring of process runs is a key responsibility, as it guarantees that all runs are executed punctually and generate the intended output. It can often be a time-consuming and tedious task when done manually, requiring a lot of operational effort. Technical documentation on error handling provides first-line support with the necessary information on know how to respond to a failure or error.

Based on this documentation, operators know what actions to take and when to take them. However, these activities can be time-consuming, often leading to restarting the process or creating an incident for automation support to ensure execution is done efficiently and up to customer expectations.

Automated monitoring and first-line support create efficiency in support and operations, faster resolution time, fewer incidents and self-recovery of processes.

Let’s see how Turbotic tackles and solves each of the problems:

Monitoring and alerting are done manually  

Automation processes often include a lot of manual tasks, such as monitoring different processes and making sure they were executed successfully. Instead of wasting time monitoring processes and identifying failures manually, let Turbotic's execution and recovery features do all the work for you. By automating these processes, you'll be able to free up your time to focus on other important tasks.

First-line support is time-consuming

When the monitoring team identifies a potential failure, the next step is to investigate the cause and impact. By doing this, we can determine what needs to be done to fix the problem and prevent it from happening again in the future. This is typically handled by first-line support. They will start by looking at any errors in the logs to determine what caused the failure. Based on that information, they will decide if the process should be restarted, if an incident should be initiated, or if no action needs to be taken.

Turbotic will do all the required tasks for you. If a process needs to be restarted, Turbotic will retry one or several times on the same machine or try another machine. You can set your execution and recovery conditions on a global level for all processes or detailed per process. Turbotic will take care of all the time-consuming first-line work for you.

Unable to set conditions for when business consider process successful

By building error handling into the code of the process, we create dependencies and a long lead time for changes. The Turbotic control module can help you save time by handling and defining errors and failures. All error handling and definitions can be pre-set and edited on the platform. You can decide whether it's considered an incident when a process fails once, twice, or more on the same machine. You can also set these configurations globally for all processes, or on a per-process basis. This way, all your error handling is defined and handled in one place.

Automatic and SLA-Based Notifications

Error alerts are often built into the code. Some vendors offer error alerts to operational staff, but the notifications provided cannot always handle business conditions or communicate with customers effectively.

Turbotic automated notifications and incident creation enable efficiency in support and operations, faster support response time, and visibility for business stakeholders. With automatic incident notification, it provides an interface for business stakeholders to get a quick overview of the performance and status of the various deployments.  

AI-Based Anomaly Detection

Our latest Houston release includes the first ever AI-based error prediction capability that helps you to detect, prioritize and classify errors to keep your processes running smoothly and with significantly lower maintenance costs.   This delivers value to customers in three ways:

• First, with Anomaly detection, Turbotic can determine which errors are important, fall outside of the predicted bound range and hence allocate resources appropriately.    
• Also, all errors are not equal. Our AI algorithm helps you determine which error has a higher deviation and frequency vs. the bound range and hence requires greater attention. 
• Our latest release also helps you classify errors to better understand what fixes should be put in place.

This is the first-ever solution that helps you eliminate alert floods and alarm spam. Rather, it helps you to focus on problems that matter, enabling you not just to remediate errors but find the underlying cause to fix them. Turbotic is the first-of-its-kind multi-vendor Automation Optimization Platform that optimizes your end-to-end automation lifecycle.